With this app you have the ability to post mesh data into Autodesk Inventor to create them into base features (solids, surfaces or composites). These base features can then be used for your operations such as drawings and measurements. The plug-in allows users to work with imported mesh data in various formats including Catia in Inventor 2012. Just to confuse things Inventor 2013 can support Catia files as well as STL and JT Giles. The app is free when you have subscription for Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Inventor Professional, Autodesk Product Design Suite, Factory Design Suite, and a number of other suites avaliable from us. As well as Design Academy, Autodesk Master Suite and last but not least TI Enterprise Multi-flex. That means if you have a subscription with any of these apps you are able to get a non-expiring version of Mesh Enabler off the app store.

If you would like to discuss any of the software featured in this post the call us 023 8086 8947, we look forward to hearing from you.The Mesh Enabler for Inventor is our technology preview that enables Inventor users to work with imported Mesh data. As shipped Inventor 2012 can import mesh data from Catia files. In addition to Catia files, Inventor 2013 can import mesh data from STL files and from JT files.

The Mesh Enabler for 2013/2012 added the ability to post process the imported mesh data to convert the mesh features to Inventor Base features.

The resulting Base features could then be used for further operations including drawings and measurements. The portion of the technology preview where the team collected feedback from Inventor 2012 users has ended. The add-on for Inventor 2012 will cease operation on January 31. Fear not, the technology preview is continuing by gathering feedback from Inventor 2013 users.