
Prinsip bimbingan konseling pdf
Prinsip bimbingan konseling pdf

prinsip bimbingan konseling pdf

The instrument used in the form of a questionnaire / questionnaire and the data analysis technique used is the F test to determine the effect of variables simultaneously. This research is a Field Work Recearch (field research) with a quantitative / statistical approach with a population of 107 students of class V and VI of State Elementary School 006 and 016 Tenggarong with a sample of 84 respondents obtained from sampling using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. This study aims to determine the effect of tutoring and parental supervision together (simultaneous) on students' motivation to study in Public Elementary Schools in Tenggarong industrial area. But among the teachers and parents, there are some who have carried out tutoring and supervision of their children. Likewise the role of parents at home in terms of supervision of learning for children, with environmental conditions in industrial estates, busy parents and lack of supervision, which greatly influences their motivation to learn.

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Guidance services in schools are one way to motivate student learning in schools, therefore guidance programs must always be owned or run in every educational unit.

Prinsip bimbingan konseling pdf