However, don’t let this action packed conclusion lead you to believe there aren’t any character developments to be found here, there are actually a lot of great relationships and personality developments for almost everyone, especially for Nila and Bo. It’s explosive, filled with gore and it’s obvious that the flintlock actions and characters interactions are really the strongest points of the series, not the actual plot itself. During these sections, events played out like watching an A+ actions movies full of war, magic combats, fast paced battles that will always glue you to the page. It's still heavily packed with well-written actions, this is especially true during the first half and the last quarter of the book. We march!”Ĭontinuing the tradition of The Crimson Campaign, the book doesn’t waste any time getting back to its action sequences. Nila, the only female POV of the series finally get the spotlight she deserved.

The story continued straight after the end of book 2 and it followed the same 4 main POV. I’ll try keep my review for this one as brief as possible to avoid spoilers. The Autumn Republic is the conclusion to the Powder Mage trilogy, Brian McClellan’s debut series and in my opinion, it ended satisfyingly on a great note while saving more stories for the future trilogy.