After you’ve made your selection click the Install button.The final partition that Windows uses may be slightly smaller than you set here – that’s normal. “Click and drag” the small bar between the two sections ( macOS and Windows) until you’ve decided how much space you want to give to Windows and how much you want to leave for macOS. Once the thumb drive has been set up you’ll be asked to decide how much hard drive space you would like to allocate to Windows.The process may take some time, if you wanted to grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea now would be a good time.and then the Book Camp Assistant app will start copying over Windows files.Your USB thumb drive will now be erased….Click the Continue button when you’re ready. Make sure not to select one of your other external drives (if you have any) as it will be erasing everything on the drive you select. Now select your USB thumb drive from the list in the Destination disk: section.Navigate to your Windows 10 ISO file, select it, and then click the Open button.Now you’ll need to select the “up and down arrows button” – it’s the one to the right of the Choose a Windows ISO file… (see screenshot below).Place check marks in the boxes next to both Create a Windows 10 or later install disk and Install Windows 10 or later version and then click the Continue button.

There isn’t a whole lot that you need to do to get ready to install Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp. – some time and patience – it takes somewhere between 1-3 hours to complete the process, depending on the speed of your Mac, download speed etc. ISO image of Windows 10, which you can download here if needed

– a Mac running the latest version of macOS This comprehensive, step-by-step guide will take you all the way through installing Windows 10 on your Mac using Boot Camp.